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vision beyond landscape

vision beyond landscape
31st May - 28th June 2014

vision beyond landscape

Exhibition Images

(click on thumbnails to view - please check with gallery on availability of work)

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Linda Park

Gaining a BSc (Hons) in Architecture in 1995, Linda Park has since concentrated on her passion for painting, with 3 successful solo exhibitions at Doubtfire Gallery.

If the finest portrait artists get under the skin of their subjects, a similar claim could be made for Linda Park’s audacious interpretations of landscape and her ability to suggest the mysteries that lie beneath the bare stone and turf of the scenes she paints.

Linda’s work is all about the almost limitless spectrum of light and colour in which those landscapes are not so much bathed as drenched. Her particular skill is to dramatise and heighten the intensity of what she sees without compromising its natural primeval integrity.

‘I enjoy interpreting a landscape and transforming it into my own artistic language. Instead of just painting what’s there, I like to highlight and accentuate certain points, whether it be a cliff glinting in the sunlight, a rugged rocky foreground, dramatic cloud formations or a shaft of light reflecting on the sea, transforming what could be an ordinary image into something quite striking and dramatic.’

Linda and her family divide their time between Scotland and south-west France and much of her work has reflected that.