David Schofield RGI
David loves to tell a story, a moment in time or part of an ongoing narrative. Observations of his life and the lives of others work their way through his painting. Dreamscapes linking the viewer between two worlds, a rendering in paint of the collective subconscious, a window into our deepest desires and fears.
His recent landscape work centers on the Inner Hebrides island of Muck. Whilst there he was very drawn to the island’s large wooden boat, ‘Wave’ which, coming to the end of her seagoing days, was moored high up on the machair, just above where the island’s seal colony likes to relax on the rocks. Built in the mid 1950s, she’s 36 feet long with a 13 feet long hold, enabling her to carry 15 calves or 70 lambs and, at times, the island’s famous ponies. She’s gone through several engines over the decades and now has a wheelhouse as well as an engine house and a tiller.
David studied Illustration and Printmaking at Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art Dundee graduating in 1993 and worked for a number of years within the Design school teaching Illustration and Life Drawing.
As an illustrator David produced works for clients such as The Scotsman Newspaper ,The Glasgow Herald, Macmillian Publishing, Adobe, The Bank Of Scotland, The Leith Agency and Theatrum Botanicum.
Since 1997 he has regularly exhibited work at The Royal Scottish Academy in Edinburgh and The Royal Glasgow Institute Of The Fine Arts in Glasgow. David was elected RGI (Royal Glasgow Institute) in 2023
Example of Artist's Work
(Click on thumbnails to view. Images record work held in stock or sold. Please check with gallery for other work available.)
This Artist at Doubtfire
22nd November 2023 - 2nd March 2024