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the quite long winter SHOW

the quite long winter SHOW
25th November 2020 - 8th May 2021

A fabulous collection of artworks for the winter through to spring season

Exhibition Images

(click on thumbnails to view - please check with gallery on availability of work)

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Michael G Clark RGI RSW PAI

Michael graduated from Edinburgh College of Art in 1983.

He often paints scenes from everyday life: a couple hugging in Paris, a waiter balancing a tray, a conversation at a c ... Read More

Anupa Gardner

Anupa Gardner is an illustrator and printmaker working in Edinburgh. Born in India in 1980, she is a graduate of Srishti School of Art, Design & Technology.

She obtained a M ... Read More

Kate Henderson

Kate trained in stained glass at Edinburgh College of Art in the early nineties and has since built up a varied portfolio of commissioned works for public and private buildings across ... Read More

Charles Jamieson MFA PAI PPAI

With a deft touch and a strong palette of colours, award winning artist Charlie Jamieson has a gift for capturing the warmth, light and vivid tones of sun-drenched locations around the ... Read More

Steven Lindsay

Steven Lindsay studied painting at Glasgow School of Art in the 80s. On leaving, he embarked on a successful career as a recording artist in the music industry, returning to his first ... Read More

Euan McGregor PAI

An award winning artist, Euan McGregor lives and works in West Kilbride on the north Ayrshire coast.

Euan’s roots are in printmaking, giving his work an emphasis on mark-making ... Read More

Alan James McLeod

Alan was born in Falkirk, Stirlingshire, before moving to Edinburgh. He graduated from Edinburgh College of Art in 1990 with a BA (Hons) in Applied Design, winning a design award for f ... Read More

Chris Nugent

Chris Nugent lives and teaches art in Edinburgh and has been exhibiting throughout the UK and Europe since graduating in 1986, including showing in SSA and RSA. With a clutch of awards ... Read More

Simon Rivett

“One’s destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things.” – Henry Miller

Simon Rivett trained at Goldsmiths College in London and gained a BA (Honours) in ... Read More